A Valé 5 year Master Plan
Can great design with a focused agenda make a difference?
Let me clarify here, great design means to craft with a deep understanding. We are not talking about pretty design, pretty buildings or pretty objects. We believe that crafting with a deep understanding and a focused agenda in mind will make a difference.
At Valé Architects, we change the lives of people and communities with our innovative approach to hospitality design. Whether it’s a 5-star hotel, offering local employment, opportunities for education and the prospect for local businesses to flourish as part of the local infrastructure, or even through working with village home-stays, Vale Architects help to offer opportunity where before, there was none. We know that through the power of sharing, our personal stories about the places that we come from and our own unique cultures provides great opportunity to millions of people every day. Opportunities to earn an income, to gain a better education and to connect with people from all over the world.
“sharing our stories, our places and our cultures provides opportunity”
Architecture has given us opportunity. Selfish opportunities, and altruistic opportunities. The opportunities that satisfy our constant need to make, to create and to dream now lead towards opportunities to help individuals, businesses and communities all over the world. From 5 Star resorts in the Caribbean to villages in Indonesia, we’ve seen the real changes design can make to the lives of people.
Now is the time not to follow, but to lead our communities and to create change for the better, to create opportunities for those that have none. We have therefore created a place where making, creating and dreaming have a home, and this is our master plan.
Our primary goal will be to help businesses to understand their customers to deliver value from day one. The better we can help them to understand their customers the more success they will have.
We will develop helpful content to open the lid on just what it takes to go from dream to reality with your hospitality venture.
Develop a small team of superheros - the modern architectural office will not be built like those of the past. Design is an increasingly complex process and requires an increasingly skilled team of Architects, Graphics & Interior Designers, Marketers, Content Creators (storytellers), Programmers, Illustrators, Animators, Copywriters and Psychologists. The more we push the boundaries of design, the bigger that list gets.
To find opportunities to apply our skillsets and knowledge to individuals and communities who have the drive but lack the opportunity.
This is Satria, his small home-stay is providing and tour packages are helping provide opportunity to his family and friends in Desa Lemukih, Norther Bali.
The most compelling reason to focus on hospitality is that hospitality is the sharing of experience, values, and a sense of place with others. This is a core act that brings humanity closer together. Through the exchange of knowledge and ideas, people grow and become more connected. As the world moves ever closer towards more sustainable industries, hospitality organisations can be viewed as some of the most sustainable businesses - but only if they are well designed. Rampant, careless development of tourism hotspots around the world have created environmental disasters. This is not the fault of tourism itself, but rather the lack of design and leadership that ensures that everything created should be done so with care, forward planning and a thoughtful understanding of hospitality design.
“careless development of tourism hotspots around the world have created environmental disasters”
Our ambitions are not for everyone, those that push down their fellow man in the pursuit of a dollar, along with those that view design as a “nice to have” extra will not understand or buy into our dreams. We are only for the few, we are only for the leaders, the makers, the creators and the dreamers.
Local waterfalls and rivers have long provided opportunity for farmers, but they are now attracting more and more tourists every year. Providing greater opportunity through hospitality for the local vllage.